A3. No. New or used lubricating oils are not hazardous, flammable or toxic according to the Regulation for Hazardous Material (DMM 601.10.6) which indicates that liquids with a flash point above 200 degrees F are free of restrictions when shipped by air or surface transportation.
The average flashpoint of used engine oil is 380 degrees F and the average flash point of used transmission or hydraulic fluids is 340 degrees F. If the minimum flash point of 200 degrees F is met, the collection and shipping containment provided in OAI test kits is sufficient for shipment by air or ground transportation.
Postal Regulations require that the sample collection containment have a lined, screw-on lid to prevent leakage. OAI's oil analysis test kits provide a plastic sample collection jar, a lid with a liner and a plastic return mailer for secondary containment.