FAQ's: Oils
Q1. Which oil is the best to use?
A1. All oil companies produce both cheap and expensive oils, none of them produce bad oil, you simply get what you pay for. Often the only differences are the price and service level. If a customer uses a specific supplier then a specific product can be recommended from that supplier's product range. We cannot comment on oil formulations or blending as this is the domain of the oil companies
Q2. Can one oil cater for all the different engines manufactured?
Q3. Do high-price synthetic oils work?
Q4. Do all oils offer the same level of protection?
Q5. What is synthetic oil?
Q6. Why does the engine oil have to be changed?
Q7. When should I change the oil?
Q8. When I change the oil, I notice that the colour of the old oil is black. Does this mean that the oil has failed?